KABA Festival IV – 2017
This festival is held once a year to showcase the works of performing art that created through a long process before. It means that the works of performing art are interwoven with two small programs that also held by Galombang Minangkabau, namely Nan Jombang Tanggal 3 (A monthly festival for the Minangkabau traditional art) and Seniman Bicara di Akhir Bulan (An art forum among artists from the realms of literature, theater, visual arts , music, dance, etc.). In other words, any work performed at the Kaba Festival is an articulation of ideas that discussed from the two small programs mentioned.
The festival is designed to bring viewers (Performing Arts Observer, Producer, Program Manager, Director of Performing Arts Festival as well as Art Enthusiasts) to visit the festival and see the living potential in Indonesia at this time: West Sumatra!